This is a shoot for Lingerie Insight Magazine, so got on the phone and a couple of hours later Masion Close and Something Wicked were happy and Fed-Ex’ing over some stunning garments for out shoot. Masion Close had sent some prototypes for their SS14 collection and Something Wicked had sent some of there more classic garments from 2013.
 I really wanted to shoot this on the Fuji X-Pro I also wanted to shoot as much of this landscape which gave me a perfect excuse to use the 18mm lens which I normal seem to neglect. Not that this lens is bad, its just wider than I would normally shoot.  Due to the size of the location, it just turned out this small compact lens was perfect. Hyper Sharp and Super fast. As per normal these days, it was shooting on the Fuji, I new the size of the files only had to big enough for a double page magazine spread so the camera was way more than powerful enough.  I used the new Seven5 Lee Filter system to colour tone the images to really enhance the gold and red vibe of the room. LEE filters had made some custom filters which I TOTALLY love. I used a really light grad filter also, but ran it 180 degrees to the first filter. This gave me a great dark edge to the photos. Saving time in post and giving me an in camera view of what I was getting. White balance was also offset to give a lovely warm sexy tone. The closer beauty shots were shot with the 60mm Lens. A gold reflector was also used to add some highlights and crunchy colour.
We used the compact Nano Lights from Elemental for the light modified using a recessed Softbox. We didn’t use any other diffusion as I wanted that hard light to mix with the ambient light in the room.  Since we was shooting at slow shutter speeds A tripod was vital, as normal 3 Legged thing had the answer. I used the A0 Air-head designed for CSC cameras. Normally this head comes on Keith, but we ran the smaller head on the taller Brian tripod. A perfect Combo indeed.
All the sync was done using the PocketWizard TT5 triggers. I would of used the smaller trigger, but.. like a fool I forgot to pack a spare battery for it, so just used the TT5 instead.
The Icelight came in very handy for the make up but was not used during this shoot.
Photography - Dave Kai-Piper @ Ideas & Images
Model: Jammy Lou @ Gingersnap
Beauty & Hair: Penny Grimley
Lingerie: ss13 – Something Wicked  & ss14 Masion Close
Shot for Lingerie Insight Magazine

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